Neue Öffnungszeiten von Bibliothek und Ausstellungen seit Montag, 2. September 2024
Montag bis Donnerstag: 9.00 bis 19.00 Uhr
Freitag: 9.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
Geschlossen: Samstage, Sonntage und Feiertage

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Digitisation request

Deutschsprachige Version des Digitalisierungswunschs.

To best support research with and on our media, we have established the "Reading Room by Request" as a service for researchers.

Please specify as precisely as possible: title, author, creator of the collection, year, edition, bookmark, inventory number (HIN), ZPH, archive box ...
Please specify the type of research work and your research interest, as well as the research institution you are working at.
If you have not registered for a library card yet, please use the online form we have provided for this purpose. We will send you your personal library card number by e-mail as soon as possible. You can then collect your card directly from the Vienna City Library reading room during the official opening hours.
Personal data
The Vienna Library's strategy is to digitise its unique and particularly valuable holdings over the next few years. Our Digital Services project team will examine and assess your request(s) with this strategy in mind. We endeavour to digitise the media as quickly as possible depending on our current capacities, and in compliance with relevant legal and conservational requirements in order to support you in your research as effectively as possible. The requested media will be available to you and to the public in the Digital Library under "Reading Room by Request" ("Lesesaal der Wünsche").