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Digital Humanism – Shaping Transformation

Alle unsere gestreamten Veranstaltungen finden Sie auf unserem YouTube-Kanal zum Nachschauen.

Is the 'digital world': open, fair, diverse, sustainable, democratic?

Ort und Zeit

Donnerstag, 10. November 2022, 19.00 Uhr
Austrian Cultural Forum New York
11 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022
Vor Ort und im Live-Stream

A cooperation with the Viennese Newspaper and the Austrian Cultural Forum New York.

Zur Veranstaltung

Digital technologies have fundamentally changed our world in recent decades. Human development has always happened via disruptions and radical changes, as triggered by groundbreaking technical developments, natural disasters or even wars. Today, technical developments open up unprecedented opportunities, but also risks. They challenge us as a society, question our view of humanity and our values and agreements. Knowledge transfer and knowledge dissemination must therefore be democratic and participatory as well as interdisciplinary and transnational in order to meet the challenges we are facing as a society. Above all, however, it also requires discourse on a broad societal level, because these developments affect us all. Nothing less than ‘being human’ is at stake. But what does that mean in the age of AI?


Susanne Keppler-Schlesinger, Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum New York
Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Vienna City Councilor for Science and Culture

Anita Eichinger, Director Vienna City Library

Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Vienna City Councilor for Science and Culture
Edward Lee, Prof. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences - University of California, Berkeley
Christine Marizzi, Director of Community Science - BioBus Inc. New York
Anya Schiffrin, Director, School of International and Public Affairs - Columbia University
Gediminas Urbonas, Prof. Art, Culture and Technology - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Claudia Wultsch, City University of New York - American Museum of Natural History, ASciNA

Wolfgang Renner, Viennese Newspaper